New Feature: How Yuna is Learning to Listen with Emotion

Yuna: AI-Guided Self-Therapy
New Feature: How Yuna is Learning to Listen with Emotion

How Yuna is Learning to Listen with Emotion

When we talk, our words only tell part of the story. How we say things—our tone, pauses, and the emotion in our voice—reveals so much more. But until now, most AI could only focus on the words, missing the feelings behind them. We’re changing that.

We’re thrilled to introduce a new feature in Yuna, your AI-powered mental health companion. Yuna now listens not just to what you say, but how you say it. This feature picks up on the emotions in your voice, making your sessions feel more personal and supportive.

Bringing Emotion into the Conversation

For years, AI has been great at analyzing language, but emotions have been harder to grasp. Yuna’s new feature changes the game. Now, when you talk to Yuna, it can detect whether you’re feeling anxious, happy, or anything in between. It’s like talking to someone who really gets how you’re feeling, not just what you’re saying.

Real Impact, Real Stories

Since launching this feature, we’ve heard from users who feel more connected to Yuna. One user shared, "I was surprised at how much it helped! Yuna really seemed to understand what I was going through." Another mentioned how this feature made them feel more supported during their sessions.

These stories show that when Yuna listens to your emotions, it makes a real difference.

How It Works

The best part? You don’t need to change a thing. Just speak naturally, and Yuna will listen—not just to your words, but to the nuances in your voice. This feature is powered by advanced analysis of speech prosody—the rhythm, stress, and intonation of your speech. These elements, along with vocal bursts like gasps, sighs, and chuckles, convey rich emotional information that Yuna now understands.

By analyzing these subtle cues, Yuna can detect whether you’re feeling anxious, joyful, or somewhere in between. After your session, you’ll receive an emotional analysis of your conversation, giving you valuable insights into your feelings and helping you better understand your emotional journey.

Try It Out

We invite you to try this new feature. The next time you talk to Yuna, notice how it responds to your emotions. You might find that the conversation feels a little more personal—and that’s exactly what we’re aiming for.

Ready to experience it? Open the app, start your session, and let Yuna listen.

TLDR: A New Kind of Connection

This feature marks a new chapter in how AI can support mental health. By truly listening to how you feel, Yuna is here to help you in a way that’s both smart and empathetic. We’re excited to see how this will deepen your connection with Yuna and bring more comfort to your journey.

A Safe Space For
Self Discovery

Enhance your well-being with Yuna: Your safe, easy AI therapy companion. Boost self-worth, alleviate anxiety, and revolutionize your thinking.
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